A NSW Government website


Darling River campground (Yapara Paaka Thuru), Toorale National Park. Credit: Joshua Smith/DPIE

Data licence statement

Data licence

Air quality data on this facility are openly accessible and do not require registration or a subscription key. Users must note though that any data accessed are owned by DPIE and protected by Crown Copyright, unless credited otherwise. These are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0), subject to the State of New South Wales Crown requirements. See copyright for more information.

Data disclaimer

The data on this facility come from the NSW Air Quality Monitoring Network using various types of monitoring equipment and methods. Data for recent time periods have undergone only preliminary quality checks and may be adjusted later as part of our validation process to account for instrument errors, power interruptions and other technical issues. See details.

Data referencing

Please attribute publications to Climate and Atmospheric Science Branch, Department of Planning Industry and Environment (DPIE) of New South Wales Government, linking to website as relevant.

If you are using this data in scientific publications, please cite: Riley M, Kirkwood J, Jiang N, Ross G and Scorgie Y. 'Air quality monitoring in NSW: From long term trend monitoring to integrated urban services'. Air Quality & Climate Change. 2020; 54(1): 44-51.