Net zero in your neighbourhood

Community members, community organisations, businesses and local councils can work together as a neighbourhood to achieve progress on net zero objectives.

Communities, councils, and businesses can do things like run community food swaps with home grown produce, clothes swaps and garage sales; supporting public transport, mobility-as-a-service options, electric vehicles, car share, micro-mobility options (like e-scooters and bike share), cycling and walking; or by providing showers and other end-of-trip facilities at workplaces.

To learn how, explore the graphic and checklist below.

Net zero in your neighbourhood - steps we can take

  1. Rooftop solar panels
  2. Community gardens to reduce food carbon footprint
  3. Diversity of land uses and mix of housing, including apartment complexes that utilise community batteries, rooftop solar, electric vehicle charging infrastructure and optimised electricity usage in communal areas
  4. Recycled materials in roads and infrastructure projects
  5. Car sharing
  6. Community scale batteries and Virtual Power Plants (VPPs)
  7. Tree planting, green public spaces and landscaping supported by smart irrigation and water sensitive urban design
  8. Connected waste bins for efficient waste disposal and materials tracking and data
  9. Solar hot water and heat pumps at community sites
  10. Shared composting and recycling schemes to reduce waste to landfill
  11. Solar operated street furniture and community facilities, with charging ports and free Wi-Fi
  12. Accessible active and micro-mobility transport links and infrastructure, like bike racks, charging bays and air stations
  13. Connected technology gathering data to make public spaces more efficient
  14. Solar powered, sensor-operated street lighting
  15. Electric vehicle charging infrastructure
  16. Emission-free, regular and reliable public transport

Net zero at home

Small changes to your home and how you run your household can deliver big reductions to your carbon footprint

Net zero in your suburb or city

By joining forces, everyone governing, running a business, living, working and visiting a city or centre can play a role in achieving net zero at a precinct scale.