The department is responsible for delivering a range of water projects and programs.
Securing a future where water for Aboriginal people is embedded within the water planning and management approach in NSW.
A project to provide a framework to inform sustainable management of extraction in coastal water sharing plan areas.
The department regulates floodplain harvesting through licensing, measurement and management.
Everything you need to know about water for the environment in NSW – what it is, how it is managed, current projects and data.
We are working with joint private works schemes to deliver clearer, simpler rules and regulations for schemes.
The NSW Government is committed to implementing a robust metering framework to improve the standard and coverage of non-urban water meters across NSW. This is an important step in helping to build community confidence in how the state’s water is managed.
Improving water flowing across connected catchments at important times to improve downstream outcomes.
We are committed to identifying ways to allow recreation at Prospect Reservoir.
The department is responsible for facilitating and regulating Snowy Hydro Limited’s operation of the Snowy scheme in line with the Snowy Water Licence.
Water is critical to the health, resilience, liveability and economic sustainability of regional and metropolitan communities.
Leading the development and delivery of key government water infrastructure projects and programs across the state.