Water infrastructure in NSW
The department's Water Group is responsible for leading the development and delivery of key government water infrastructure projects and programs across the state. We are committed to delivering world-class, water infrastructure projects that will contribute to the safety, security and sustainability of our valued water resources for our communities and the environment.
We recognise and acknowledge the unique relationship and deep connection to Country that Aboriginal people have, as the Traditional Owners and first peoples of Australia.
The wisdom and experience of local Aboriginal communities plays a critical role in informing our approach to water infrastructure projects and we have a dedicated engagement team who guide our ongoing engagement with Aboriginal communities across NSW.
We are committed to investing in our communities and focused on engaging and procuring local business first and foremost where possible, creating employment opportunities and boosting the economies of the towns where our projects are delivered.
How we work
We will collaborate across the water sector, with industry partners and stakeholders, to deliver innovative infrastructure and water management solutions, with a focus on outcomes that support the health, well-being and prosperity of our customers and communities as well as the natural environment.
We are working closely with communities, and our industry and government partners, to deliver projects and programs that:
- increase the state’s long-term water security, such as the building of new dams and major pipelines
- build drought resilience into our regional water supply, for example the delivery of water bore capping and replacement projects in the Great Artesian Basin
- provide greater access to safe and sustainable water and wastewater services through co-funding new treatment plants and reservoirs in regional areas
- expand ground water supplies in regional areas
- improve outcomes for the environment by more effectively and efficiently delivering water to where it is needed in our rivers, creeks and wetlands
- achieve better outcomes for Aboriginal communities, improving cultural water flows and delivering broad benefits via our projects.
Projects and programs
The department’s Water Group is delivering a wide range of infrastructure projects and programs to provide long-term water security, improved access to quality water supplies in regional areas and to ensure water remains a protected resource.
Learn more about our water infrastructure projects and programs below:
Delivering key major water infrastructure projects to improve water security in regional areas and cultural outcomes.
Creating a better Bidgee and Baaka and delivering outcomes for communities, industries and the environment.
Achieving similar or better outcomes for rivers, wetlands and wildlife using less water as part of the Murray-Darling Basin Plan.
Connecting rivers to wetlands and floodplains for health of Country in the Murray and Murrumbidgee valleys.
Delivering environmental, social, economic and cultural outcomes across the northern-connected Basin.
Find out more about grant and funding programs being administered by the Water Group.
Visit the individual project and program webpages to subscribe to ongoing project updates.
Stakeholder engagement
The Water Group is committed to building and maintaining respectful, trusted and collaborative relationships with our communities and stakeholders to ensure water infrastructure projects achieve the best possible outcomes.
We believe in engagement with real, tangible and practical outcomes enabling our communities to work in partnership to deliver projects realising a wide range of benefits with minimal disruption.
We provide ample opportunities for our local communities and stakeholders to have their say on projects throughout their stages of development and delivery. This feedback is used as a key input into project decision making, including workshopping potential options and the timing and delivery of projects. Importantly, it also shapes how we design our consultation and engagement programs to ensure we are communicating with our communities most effectively.
Plan for delivering Aboriginal community outcomes
The Water Group is committed to ensuring our projects are aligned with the objectives and outcomes set out in the Aboriginal Water Strategy and we have a dedicated First Nations team guiding our engagement with Aboriginal communities across NSW.
Our Plan for Delivering Aboriginal Community Outcomes outlines our commitment to putting Aboriginal engagement and inclusion at the centre of our work.
We will focus on five pillars to deliver improved Aboriginal community outcomes including:
- community engagement: robust and ongoing engagement with Aboriginal communities on all our projects
- cultural capability: culturally competent staff who demonstrate understanding of and respect for Aboriginal cultures and work effectively with Aboriginal communities
- employment targets: sustainable and ongoing employment and development opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people within Water Infrastructure NSW
- creating Pathways: Employment and training opportunities for Aboriginal communities associated with programs and projects
- economic participation: Aboriginal communities are best placed to benefit directly from infrastructure investments.
For more information call us on 1300 081 047 or email us at water.enquiries@dpie.nsw.gov.au.