How the non-urban metering review affects you
The NSW Government has completed its review of the non-urban metering rules and will be making changes to the Water Management (General) Regulation 2018 in early 2025. Until changes to the Regulation are made, the current non-urban metering rules that apply to you remain in place.
If you have a surface water pump 500mm or greater in diameter anywhere in NSW, you should already have compliant metering equipment in place. If you don't, you need to act now, unless otherwise exempt. Larger volume inland water users with total entitlements equal to or greater than 100ML nominating their works must also act now.
Find out how the review outcomes will impact other works and read more about the recommendationsNon-urban metering in NSW
The NSW Government is committed to implementing a robust metering framework to improve the standard and coverage of non-urban water meters across NSW. This is an important step in helping to build community confidence in how the state’s water is managed.
Do you need to comply?
The next rollout date is for water users in the Coastal regions who must have compliant equipment installed by 1 December 2024. The review recommends an extension to that date. Read more about the review outcomes.
If you are captured by the non-urban metering rules and you are installing a new or replacement meter–your new meter must be compliant, regardless of your rollout date.
Latest information about non-urban metering, including community engagement and project updates.
Learn more about the NSW non-urban water metering framework.
Learn more about the requirements of the metering rollout for water users.
Information for DQPs about their role in the non-urban metering framework, and where to find help if needed.
Information for suppliers of meters and telemetry devices about how to submit devices for approval.
Information to help water users, DQPs and manufacturers understand the non-urban metering framework.