A NSW Government website

Science, data and modelling

Groundwater management and science

Discover more about groundwater, why it is important, and how we use groundwater science to improve water management.

The Darling River flowing from Menindee Lakes in western New South Wales.

Exploring the critical role we play in groundwater mangement

We are responsible for managing and allocating groundwater resources across NSW. We do this by using the best available science to inform our policy, and through legislation such as water sharing plans. We also assess and report on the condition of the state’s groundwater resources.

You can view the groundwater data we use to monitor groundwater levels via the Real-time data website. Groundwater flow models also help guide our long-term decision-making for groundwater management.

Groundwater management

Find out how we manage groundwater in NSW.

Groundwater quality

Learn about the risks to groundwater quality and the principles and objectives in place to protect and maintain groundwater quality.

Read about the work our groundwater scientists do, to better manage groundwater in NSW.

Learn about the environments that rely on groundwater and how science helps to understand and improve their management.

Find groundwater-related publications prepared by the department.

Groundwater bore

Groundwater annual reports have been prepared for several inland groundwater sources.


Learn the basics about groundwater in NSW, what it is and how it is managed.