Information on local flood planning, development and responsibilities
Any proposed development works (including fences) located in, on or adjacent to levees or within declared floodplains (as gazetted under the Hunter Valley Flood Mitigation Act 1956) must be referred to Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water for consideration under Section 256 of the Water Management Act 2000.
For information about what you can and cannot do around Hunter Valley flood Mitigation Scheme infrastructure, please read: Requirements for development in the Hunter Valley Flood Mitigation Scheme
If you are a developer you will need council approval. Council will refer the plan to the department. You should consult with the department before submitting the final plans as this will avoid unnecessary amendments at a later stage.
The NSW Flood Data Portal also has information on flood planning and development.
Information about flooding in your area and development controls can be found on your local council website:
City of Newcastle
Maitland City Council
Port Stephens Council
Singleton Council
Upper Hunter Shire Council
Emergency call 000
Bureau of Meteorology (BOM)
The BOM website provides the community with access to weather forecasts, severe weather warnings, observations, flood information, marine and high seas forecasts and climate information.
Phone: 02 9296 1555
Hunter Forecast (BOM)
For up to date regional information.
State Emergency Service (SES)
NSW SES is the lead combat agency in flood, storm and tsunami emergencies.
Emergency call 132 500
Search their site by suburb for storm, flood and tsunami risk and advice for your area on how to plan and prepare for disasters and bad weather, what to do during the flood or storm and steps to recovery once the disaster is over.
Roads and Maritime Services
Phone 132 701 for information on road closures or see live traffic updates.
Hunter Local Land Services
Emergency call 1300 795 299 or go to the website.
NSW Department of Primary Industries
Responsible for the coordination of agriculture and animal services in emergencies.
Report damage
To report any damage to the Hunter valley Flood Mitigation Scheme please use the QR code, alternatively you can use the link below or contact us.
Report damage via the formContact us
General enquiries
Phone: 1300 081 047 or send us a message.
For emergency flood assistance call the SES: 132 500
If your life is at risk, call 000.