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Regional projects

Wilcannia Weir Replacement Project

The new weir will provide long-term town water security for Wilcannia.

New site for Wilcannia Weir

Project Update – 1 August

The Minister for Water, Rose Jackson promised the community an independent review when she visited Wilcannia on 26 June 2024.

The Wilcannia Weir Replacement Project is currently paused, pending the completion of an independent review into the environmental impacts, along with the safety and operational concerns that led to the department’s Water Group proposing a new design for the weir.

While the review is being conducted, work will continue on other Wilcannia projects aimed at improving water security. This includes works related to the new groundwater bore for Wilcannia as well as working with Central Darling Shire Council on the planned upgrade of the Wilcannia water treatment plant. The department’s Water Group will also continue to engage with the Wilcannia community to co-design Community River Place.

We are committed to keeping the community informed of the review process and outcome and will provide regular updates throughout the process.

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About the project

The largest investment in water infrastructure along the Darling-Baaka River in decades, the $76 million Wilcannia Weir Replacement Project seeks to improve water security for the township of Wilcannia, enhance cultural connection to the river for local communities and deliver improved native fish migration along the river system. It will achieve this by constructing a new weir and fishway downstream of the existing failed weir.

The new weir will boost water storage by 20 percent, providing long-term town water supplies to preserve and enhance the social, economic and environmental benefits for Wilcannia, its people and its surrounds.

Project need

The existing Wilcannia Weir was built in 1942 for the purpose of providing a more reliable town water supply for Wilcannia. The existing weir has now failed and there is a need to support long-term town water security for the community by providing suitable water infrastructure, including a new weir.

Integrated approach to improving water security and quality

The NSW Government is taking a new integrated, system-wide approach to improving water security and quality for the Wilcannia community.

This approach will include both new water infrastructure as well as works to improve the supply of potable/drinking water and management of water and wastewater infrastructure.

The Water Group in the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water will lead this approach by:

  • constructing a new weir and fishway to replace the failed existing weir
  • supporting Central Darling Shire Council to build a new water treatment plant for the town
  • investigating a potential new groundwater bore with a reticulation network to supplement the town’s existing water infrastructure
  • improving the town’s existing water network to reduce leakage and losses
  • protecting the town’s stormwater systems to reduce public health risks.

This will ensure better water security and quality outcomes are delivered for the community.

Project status

The NSW Government remains committed to constructing a new weir and fishway ~5 km downstream of the existing failed weir in Wilcannia, however, the design of the new weir and fishway has changed.

The new weir will be a fixed crest type and the crest height will be approximately 4.2m with the highest points on the outer edges being approximately 5.5 metres.

It will provide an additional 400 ML of water security for the town. This will boost water storage by 20 percent and is a significant step change in water security for Wilcannia. The new weir design has been developed to allow for future modification if required, including being raised, subject to additional funding being sourced and planning approvals being granted.

Unlike the old weir, the new design includes a fishway allowing fish to migrate upstream past the weir. It will be a vertical-slot type fishway and will be constructed next to the northern bank of the river.

The new design improves water security for Wilcannia while also being safer and more affordable, with less impact on the environment and culturally significant sites.

The decision to move to a new design was shaped by the responses to the Environmental Impact Statement public exhibition in 2022, and extensive stakeholder consultation and feedback since scoping studies for the new weir began in 2016. The Environmental Impact Statement documents are available on the NSW Planning Portal website.

The NSW Government has an ongoing commitment to local employment into the construction phase of the project and to date has invested $4.63 million in the community through training programs, local procurement and cross-agency support.

Wilcannia weir aerial map.
Weir and fishway detailed concept design (aerial view).


A version of the weir and fishway detailed concept design (aerial view) is available.

Download the images (PDF. 1,023KB)
NSW environmental planning approval process for projects over $30m
A diagram showing where we are in the environmental planning approval process as of April 2024


A diagram outlining the environmental planning approval process for the project is available.

Download the diagram (PDF. 268KB)

Next steps in the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) approval process

Step 1: Once completed the EIS Amendment Report and Response to Submissions (RtS) #1 are submitted to the NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (DPHI) – Planning Department.

Step 2: Once submitted, there is a 14-day advertising period to inform you of the exhibition period.

Step 3: After advertising, DPHI have determined there will be a 14-day exhibition period where the EIS Amendment Report will go on public exhibition for feedback/comments.

Step 4: The RtS #1 is made available on the major projects website during the exhibition and is provided to relevant government agencies together with the Amendment Report.

Step 5: During the 14-day exhibition period additional formal submissions can be made by anyone, such as community members, other agencies and organisations.

Step 6: During the public exhibition period, the Water Group will provide an independent service to go to Wilcannia and collate feedback on the EIS Amendment Report and RtS #1.

  • We will use the same independent service DPHI used for the EIS exhibition. All captured feedback will be given to DPHI.

Step 7: Once the exhibition closes, DPHI will collate all the submissions and determine if they have any requests for information. The submissions and any requests for information will then be provided to the Water Group to respond to.

Step 8: The Water Group will respond by preparing another RtS - RtS #2

Step 9: Once RtS #2 is complete this will be provided to DPHI for their assessment.

Step 10: DPHI Planning will then complete the bilateral assessment (on behalf of the NSW and Commonwealth Governments) of the proposal (reports and submissions) and make recommendations through the DPHI approval chain to the relevant Ministers to either approve (and with what approval conditions) or to not approve.

Step 11: Final bilateral approval (determination) rests with the:

  • NSW Minister for Planning and Public Spaces
  • Commonwealth Minister for the Environment and Water.
Project benefits

The project, combined with the new approach, will deliver a range of benefits including:

  • improved water security and quality for Wilcannia
  • additional sources of potable water in times of drought
  • enhanced cultural connection to the river
  • improved water management of the weir pool
  • increased tourism and investment opportunities
  • better recreational amenity to walk, swim, picnic and fish
  • improved native fish migration.

While the design of the weir has changed, other key components of the project remain the same and are complete or well underway.

These include:

  • conducting geosurvey activities to inform the final design of the weir
  • upgrading Wilcannia’s sewerage system to prevent sewage from getting into the stormwater drains and ending up in the Darling-Baaka River
  • developing a Community River Place for recreational use in collaboration with community representatives

View more information about these activities below.

Geotechnical and geophysical studies

In June to August 2023, the Water Group completed a series of geotechnical and geophysical assessments at the new weir site. The soil samples and data collected have been assessed to help inform the detailed design of the project.

The assessments involved drilling boreholes on the northern and southern bank of the Darling-Baaka River to analyse ground conditions, as well as on-water assessments to determine the riverbed and sedimentary profile in-and-around the new weir location. These on-water assessments were conducted by boat using non-intrusive acoustic and seismic technology.

Further site investigations were also undertaken to support access during the project’s construction phase and to analyse materials that could potentially be used to help build the weir.

These studies used aerial drones and terrestrial scanning technology to investigate in greater detail the current weir site (for decommissioning), the new weir site (to inform the final design) and some elements of Union Bend Rd. They were completed in August 2023.

A local Wilcannia community member attended the works to provide cultural monitoring.

Sewerage upgrade (stormwater mitigation) works

The Water Group has completed stormwater (sewerage) mitigation works in Wilcannia, providing a low-maintenance, affordable and reliable solution to protect against effluent overflows.

The upgrades to the Hood and Martin Street sewage pump stations will prevent instances of raw sewage flowing into the stormwater system and then into the Darling-Baaka River system.

New pipework and two high-powered diesel pumps have been installed to provide a back-up in the event of a power failure or blockage. The pumps will automatically spring into action if the underground effluent reaches a high level, preventing untreated waste from spilling out.

The works provide vital protection for the local environment in the short-term and the new downstream weir pool in the long-term by ensuring sewage does not get into the stormwater drains and end up in the river.

Community River Place (Ngatji Hole)

The Water Group is currently working on the final design of the Community River Place.

The need for a Community River Place was raised during our discussions with the Wilcannia community. The site will provide an important recreational area for locals, a place where the community can gather to share stories, fish and swim.

The Water Group held a collaborative workshop with community representatives in December 2023 to discuss the concept design for the site.

The aim of the workshop was to get community feedback on the concept design, which will provide vital inputs for the final design.

The feedback provided is currently being incorporated into the final design, which we will take back to the community in the coming months.

Community consultation

The Water Group understands the importance of the river to the community and wants to design and construct a weir meeting community needs and expectations and maintaining the strong connection people have to the river.

Engagement on the project is ongoing and we will continue to provide opportunities for local communities and stakeholders, including Traditional Owners and First Nations communities, to have their say on the project as it progresses.

How the project is creating local employment opportunities

Learn about the Union Bend Road upgrade and how it is supporting employment in the Wilcannia region.
March 2022

The training initiatives as part of the project

The Water Group continues to work closely with key stakeholders to provide the local community with employment training opportunities. Hear from some of the Wilcannia locals who have completed training and development programs as part of the new weir project.
April 2021

Fact sheet

The department is designing and constructing a new weir and fishway for Wilcannia to replace the existing failed weir. A printable fact sheet about the project is available.

Download the fact sheet (PDF. 832KB)

Project updates

Contact us

For more information about the project, email us at water.enquiries@dpie.nsw.gov.au or call 1300 081 047.