A NSW Government website

Floodplain management plans

Review process

Read about the process for reviewing floodplain management plans.


Why review floodplain management plans?

NSW floodplain management plans are valid for 10 years from their commencing date. Amendments to floodplain management plans are made throughout their life to ensure they comply with changing legislation and to facilitate their implementation. In the five years before a plan expires, a formal review is completed by the department to identify the necessary alterations to deliver better outcomes for all water users, including the environment. The timeframe for review was changed in January 2023 (previously required within the fifth year). This review is a requirement of section 43 of the Water Management Act 2000.

The current schedule for plan reviews (PDF, 54.39 KB). Note: this schedule may change where plans are replaced.

The Natural Resources Commission also undertakes an audit under section 44 of the Water Management Act 2000 to ascertain whether a plan’s provisions are being put into practice. Audit findings are published on the Natural Resource Commission’s website.

What is the review process?

Under the Water Management Act 2000 the Minister may, on recommendation by the department, extend a floodplain management plan for another 10 years or replace the plan.

Extension refers to the extension of a plan for a further 10 years without change. Replacement is where changes to the existing plan are proposed.

A floodplain management plan may also be amended to during its 10-year term.

Download the review process flowchart (JPG, 166.68 KB)

The Review method (PDF, 1661.28 KB) document provides the method for the review of floodplain management plans under the requirements of section 43 of the Water Management Act 2000. By establishing a consistent review method and criteria, we can ensure that each floodplain management plan in NSW is reviewed in a similar manner.

What does this mean for me?

Where a plan will be replaced or amended, the department will undertake consultation with stakeholders, which may include a formal public exhibition period, targeted consultation or other meetings or workshops, depending on the nature of the amendments proposed and the needs of stakeholders.

How can I be involved?

The department will notify key stakeholders when the review of a floodplain management plan occurs. Questions about the floodplain management plan under review will be published on the department’s website.

Floodplain management plans undergoing a review are advertised on the Have Your Say website and submissions are collated by the department. The department will consider all submissions in the finalisation of the review report for each floodplain management plan. Review reports will be published here and will be used to inform possible amendments to a floodplain management plan.

Completed S43 review reports

Overviews of the completed S43 reports can be found below.

Southern Floodplain Management Plans

Section 43 Review of 10 Southern Floodplain Management Plans – June 2021 (PDF, 4.6 MB)

As part of the review process public submissions were sought. The following respondents agreed to have their submissions published on this website. Note that not all respondents elected to have their submissions published.

The views expressed in the submissions are the views of the respondents. While the department seeks to ensure that offensive material is not published, the department is not responsible for the views expressed in the submissions.

The department notes the outcomes of this review report and is considering the recommendations and issues raised in the submissions.

Gwydir Valley Floodplain Management Plan

Section 43 Review of the Gwydir Valley Floodplain Management Plan – June 2021 (PDF, 2.6 MB)

As part of the review process public submissions were sought. The following respondents agreed to have their submissions published on this website. Note that not all respondents elected to have their submissions published.

The views expressed in the submissions are the views of the respondents. While the department seeks to ensure that offensive material is not published, the department is not responsible for the views expressed in the submissions.

The department notes the outcomes of this review report and is considering the recommendations and issues raised in the submissions.

Barwon-Darling Valley Floodplain Management Plan

Section 43 Review of the Barwon-Darling Valley Floodplain Management Plan – June 2022 (PDF, 2539.79 KB)

Public submissions were sought as part of the review process. The following respondents agreed to have their submissions published on this website.

The views expressed in the submissions are the views of the respondents. While the department seeks to ensure that offensive material is not published, the department is not responsible for the views expressed in the submissions.

The department notes the outcomes of this review report and is considering the recommendations and issues raised in the submissions.

A summary of the department’s response to the review recommendations (PDF, 79.33 KB) is available to view.


If you require assistance in reading these documents, please contact 1300 081 047 or water.enquiries@dpie.nsw.gov.au