Monitoring, evaluation and reporting of water management outcomes
We are establishing an integrated framework for reviewing and reporting against the NSW Water Strategy, the 12 regional water strategies and two metropolitan water strategies. We will formally evaluate, review and update the NSW Water Strategy at least every five years.
This framework will be supported by a robust monitoring, evaluation and reporting framework for water sharing plan implementation, underpinned by long-term investment.
This is essential to give the community confidence that water sharing plan rules are being implemented, that they are achieving flow and groundwater level targets, and that these targets are delivering on the environmental, economic, social and cultural objectives of the plans.
This long-term investment is also needed to help us determine what changes might be needed to our strategies or statutory water sharing plans to achieve the outcomes more effectively.
Implementing the NSW Water Strategy
The NSW Water Strategy is supported by an implementation plan that outlines clear roles and responsibilities and timeframes for delivery of each action. We will report on progress against actions in the NSW Water Strategy annually.