A NSW Government website

Safe and Secure Water program

Program funding information

Learn more about the program funding streams, subsidy levels and obligations of successful project proponents.

Treatment plant.

Funding streams

Details about the program’s funding streams, funding bands and subsidy levels, funding approval and assurance processes and reporting requirements can be found below.

Support projects that resolve the highest priority water quality, water security and environmental risks

Stream 1 provides funding support to develop and deliver projects addressing the highest risks and issues for town water infrastructure in regional NSW.

Further information regarding eligible risks and the assessment process is available in the program guidelines (PDF, 4139.33 KB).

Proponents are also encouraged to review the NSW Government Business Case Policy and Guidelines to better understand the type of information required to progress the proposal for assessment under Stream 1.

Have a risk or issue query?

Lodge a risk or issue query using this online form.

Provides funding support to eligible proponents for strategic planning

Strategic planning is critical to successfully developing and managing water supply and sewerage infrastructure, as well as delivering essential services to water utility customers.

Expressions of Interests closed on 31 May 2024. Most submissions from Local Water Utilities in NSW are eligible for strategic planning funding support under Stream 2 of the Safe and Secure Water program. Proponents that have submitted an expression of interest prior to 31 May 2024 will be contacted by the department to confirm their eligibility. The department will provide any necessary additional information and invite the proponent to submit a strategic planning project plan for consideration.

Regional Town Water Strategy

Under the strategic planning stream, funding is available to joint organisations for the development of Regional Town Water Strategies (RTWS) assisting to address broader issues across local water utility boundaries, such as providing town water security and treatment across regions and potential water service scheme linkages.

Important information: Expressions of interest for Stream 2 funding closed on 31 May 2024. All Stream 2 funding must be spent by 31 December 2025. If proponents are unable to expend funding by this date, funding may be withdrawn.

Guidance for Local Water Utilities on how to approach strategic planning can be found on the ‘How should local water utilities undertake strategic planning?’ webpage. Proponents are also encouraged to view the guidance documents covering the strategic planning outcome areas identified in the Regulatory and assurance framework for local water utilities (PDF, 1100.53 KB).

Have a risk or issue query?

Lodge a risk or issue query using this online form.


Funding bands and subsidy levels

Levels of co-funding available to proponents are the same for all streams of the program and are calculated based on the 3-year average combined annual revenue of the proponent (from water and sewerage) as detailed in Table 1.

Table 1. Program subsidy levels for local councils and local water utilities.
3-year average combined* revenue of proponent
(from water and sewerage)  2016/17 to 2018/19
Safe and Secure Water Program funding band
> $20,000,000 Up to 25%
> $10,00,000 to $20,000,000 Up to 50%
> $5,000,000 to $10,000,000 Up to 60%
> $2,500,000 to $5,000,000 Up to 75%
<=$2,500,000 Up to 90%

* The three-year average combined revenue shown in Table 1 is for combined water and sewerage for 2016/17 to 2018/19 financial years. Where an organisation provides either water or sewerage services only, the actual revenue is doubled before applying the funding bands.

The three-year average revenue received for the provision of water and sewerage services is used for subsidy calculation purposes and the current eligible subsidy per eligible organisation is available by emailing the program. The department may review subsidy bands periodically.

Funding approval and requirements

If the project is approved for funding, the proponent is required to enter into a funding agreement setting out the terms and conditions.

Proponents are expected to sign the funding agreement within six months of an offer of funding. If the funding agreement is not executed within this timeframe, the funding offer may be withdrawn.

Proponents are advised not to make financial commitments for funded activities until funding agreements have been signed by both parties, as any financial commitment made before the agreement is signed may not be covered. Funding can only be provided for works not yet contracted. Funding cannot be provided retrospectively.

The department will pay grants through milestone payments set out in the funding agreement. The department will work with proponents to set appropriate and clear milestone timing and requirements considering the details of project.

Proponents will be responsible for complying with the funding agreement during the project and will be required to submit regular activity reports.

Proponents are encouraged to review the sample funding agreements below and be aware of their obligations if successful. Any changes to the funding agreement conditions will be at the sole discretion of the department. The department will update this website from time to time with amended versions of the various document templates used to administer grant funding under this program.

Contact us

For further information on the program, email sswp@dpie.nsw.gov.au