About the course
NSW local water utilities are required to implement an appropriate liquid trade waste policy; issue an approval under the Local Government Act 1993 for each liquid trade waste discharger to its sewerage system; and to implement best-practice sewerage and trade waste pricing. These requirements comprise the NSW Framework for Regulation of Sewerage and Trade Waste, which is set out in the Liquid Trade Waste Management Guidelines 2021 (PDF, 15374.2 KB).
This overview course is run on days 1 and 2 of the 5 day Liquid Trade Waste Regulation course. More information on the 5 day course can be found online on our webpage, Liquid Trade Waste Regulation course.
On completion of the course, you’ll have an understanding of liquid trade waste regulations and pricing of liquid trade waste in non-metropolitan NSW areas.
Topics covered
- Legislation applicable to trade waste regulation.
- Development and implementation of a liquid trade waste policy.
- Trade waste pricing.
- Requirements for acceptance of trade waste discharges to the sewerage system.
Length of course
This is a 2 day course.
Who should attend?
Council officers with a limited involvement in trade waste regulation, small councils without high-risk trade waste dischargers, and council administration staff processing sewerage and trade waste bills or development applications.
Resulting qualification
A Certificate of Attendance will be issued by the department to successful candidates.
Course details
More information on course dates, locations and costs can be found in the course schedule.
What is included?
Course notes, lunch, morning tea and afternoon tea will be provided for the 2 days.
What is not included?
Writing material, calculator, accommodation, other meals not specified, transport to and from the course.
Expression of interest
The department plans to run a trade waste course in 2024. The course is under development and aims to provide training that best meets the priority needs of the liquid trade waste sector. The course details are to be advised and will be announced to LWUs once available. Expression of interest for attending this course can be submitted by email to water.lwutraining@dpie.nsw.gov.au.