A NSW Government website


Frequently asked questions


What has the government committed to?

The NSW Government will be delivering a significant boost to the new housing as part of the renewal of the Waterloo Estate, with the number of social and affordable homes at Waterloo South increasing to 50% of the project.

This commitment is part of the government's broader efforts to increase the supply of social and affordable housing and provide secure, long-term homes for vulnerable people in the community.

We acknowledge that housing plays a critical role in social and economic outcomes for Aboriginal communities and so we are committing a minimum of 15% of all new social and affordable housing will be dedicated for Aboriginal people, helping to keep them on Country and work towards closing the housing gap.

Will you be delivering more social housing than is currently in Waterloo South?

Yes, there will be more social housing in Waterloo South compared to what is currently there.

In addition, 70 new social homes will be built next door at the Waterloo Metro Quarter, and approximately 95 more social homes will be delivered nearby at Elizabeth Street, Redfern.


What is Homes NSW doing in Waterloo?

Over the next 30 years, we’ll be redeveloping the Waterloo Estate.

Our aim is to deliver a vibrant place to live, work and visit that is close to jobs and transport.

The redevelopment will be home to a mix of social housing tenants, private property owners and people on low and middle incomes who provide essential services for our city, such as nurses, childcare workers, teachers, and police.

It will also create more community facilities and green spaces for tenants and Waterloo locals. The project capitalises on the new Waterloo Metro Station to ensure tenants have easy access to shops and multiple modes of transport.

Why is the Waterloo Estate being redeveloped?

Waterloo Estate is an important part of Sydney’s social housing story. However, the buildings are between 40 and 70 years old, and many are nearing the end of their intended lifespan and do not meet the changing housing needs of current tenants.

Many of the homes in Waterloo do not meet contemporary accessibility and sustainability standards, and they are also increasingly difficult and expensive to maintain.

We understand the needs for more open space, better community facilities, and shops that suit tenants. Therefore, more local, community-focused services can make it easier to do everyday things, like grocery shopping and meeting up with friends.

This project is important not just for tenants but also for creating new jobs, homes, and community spaces close to the Sydney CBD.

What is the Waterloo Renewal?

The Waterloo Renewal will enhance the strength and diversity of Waterloo, a unique urban village on Gadigal Land. The renewal will deliver new homes, community places, and green spaces which prioritise the health and wellbeing of social housing tenants and more sustainable mixed communities.

The project objectives are:

  • More and better social housing: deliver more and better social housing in mixed communities to meet the needs of tenants now and in the future.
  • Positive outcomes for tenants: create a place that supports tenants’ health and wellbeing and sensitively manages change over time.
  • Outcomes for Aboriginal people: prioritise outcomes for the Redfern – Waterloo Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community through planning, delivery, and operations.
  • An authentic sense of place: building on Waterloos past and current strengths to create an authentic, distinctive, and welcoming place.
  • Environmental sustainability: support a community that is resilient to climate change and carbon positive.
  • Strong collaboration: collaborate with the community, not-for-profit and private sectors to deliver social and housing outcomes.

Who is leading the project?

The renewal of Waterloo is led by the NSW Government in collaboration with a renewal partner consortium including a developer and community housing provider(s) to be appointed in mid-late 2024.

How long will the project take?

The Waterloo Estate Renewal is expected to take up to 30 years. It will be completed in three stages: Waterloo South, Waterloo Central and Waterloo North.

Waterloo South is the first stage of the renewal.

Where are we up to in the delivery of the project?

We are currently going through the procurement process to select the renewal partner consortium which includes a developer and social housing provider(s) to partner with us and deliver on the project vision and objectives for Waterloo South.

We are getting closer to the appointment of a renewal partner to deliver the Waterloo South Renewal. The following consortiums have progressed to the final round of the process:

  • Stockland Development Pty Ltd / Link Wentworth Housing Limited / City West Housing Pty Limited / Birribee Housing Limited
  • Lendlease Development Pty Limited / St George Community Housing Limited / Tharawal Housing Aboriginal Corporation

The successful consortium is expected to be announced mid-late 2024.

The renewal partner will not only deliver new buildings and infrastructure. The renewal partner will also collaborate with the government to support tenants through the change and to create a vibrant and mixed inner-city community with a real sense of place.

What is happening at Waterloo South?

Waterloo South is the first stage of the project and covers about 65% of the Waterloo Estate.

On completion, it will include around 3,000 new homes – made up of social, affordable, and private housing – as well as new and improved parks, open spaces, and retail and community facilities.

Will the new social housing at Waterloo South look different to private housing?

No. Part of the success of mixed housing communities is that social and private housing are indistinguishable. For more information, explore Good Design for Social Housing and the Land and Housing Corporation Dwelling Requirements (PDF, 240.68 KB).

The social housing will be appropriately sized to provide quality housing that meets the needs of current and future Waterloo tenants. All homes will be built to Silver Level Standard of the Liveable Housing Design Guidelines to increase accessibility.

Who will manage the social and affordable housing?

New social and affordable housing at Waterloo will be managed by a Community Housing Provider (to be appointed as part of the process of finding a development partner).


How will tenants be supported during relocations?

We are working with the Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) to develop the relocation guide which will include information about supporting existing Waterloo South tenants throughout the relocation process.

It is important to note that tenants are not being relocated right now and that Waterloo South will be redeveloped over the next 10-15 years.

How will you be supported during relocations?

For Waterloo South tenants:

  • You will get at least 6 months’ written notice before needing to move.
  • You will have a dedicated relocations officer to help you find a suitable home and support you throughout the process.
  • We know how important community is, and you will be given the opportunity to stay in the local area if you wish.
  • You may move into vacant properties in the local area, new homes at the Metro Quarter, new homes at the Elizabeth Street, Redfern development or into new homes on the Waterloo Estate as they are built.
  • You will have the right to return to Waterloo once the development is complete.

For tenants not living in Waterloo South:

  • The high-rise buildings will not be redeveloped now.
  • If you’re living in the high-rise buildings, or any part of Waterloo Central or Waterloo North, you will not be moving for at least 10 years.
  • You will get at least 6 months’ written notice before needing to move.
  • You will have a dedicated Relocations Officer to help you find a suitable home and support you throughout the process.
  • You will have the right to return to Waterloo once the development is complete.

How will the project meet the needs of First Nations people?

The Gadigal people of the Eora Nation are the Traditional Custodians of the place we now call Waterloo. We also recognise the importance of this land to all First Nations people.

We are committed to supporting and improving outcomes for the Aboriginal community, and to respecting and celebrating the integral role that Aboriginal and Torres Strait culture and heritage plays in the area.

We are working collaboratively with the Aboriginal Housing Office and the local Aboriginal community to identify opportunities to improve outcomes for Aboriginal people through the design, planning, delivery, and operational phases of the project.

This includes ensuring that a minimum of 15% of all new social and affordable housing at Waterloo South will be dedicated to Aboriginal tenants and that culturally appropriate tenancy management services are available.

We will also prioritise Aboriginal procurement and workforce participation during construction to create more job opportunities for the local Aboriginal community.